
Join Us for a Week of Action to #SaveMedicaid


Congress is in the midst of moving forward legislation that would likely force drastic cuts to Medicaid. Now is the time to tell your federal lawmakers why Medicaid is so important to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD).


Our voices are stronger when we use them collectively – so join together with ANCHOR and our members and supporters across the country for a week of action, February 24-28, to tell Congress to #SaveMedicaid!

Please join Friends of Lakemary Tuesday, March 11, 2025 6pm CST Share your thoughts & concerns about the proposed changes to the IDD delivery system with Michele Heydon, Long Term Care Services Commissioner with KDADS.
KDADS is also forming a family advisory group. Are you interested in being selected? Contact Ron Fugate, [email protected] for more information.

Take Action to Slow Down Proposed Changes!

Contact our Johnson County and Miami County Legislators Today.

If you’re concerned about the many proposed changes that KDADS intends to make to the IDD service system in the near future, take action to SLOW THEM DOWN!


Within the near future, Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS) intends to make sweeping changes to the IDD service system. All of these initiatives represent major and potentially irreversible change to the network of services that was built by Kansas communities to support our most vulnerable Kansans.


Use the tool to the right to advocate for change and send a message to the House Appropriations Committee – your voices make a difference!

State Legislators: State of Kansas

Johnson & Miami Counties

Senator Adam Thomas | Olathe, KS

785.296.7358 [email protected]

Representative Lauren Bohi | Olathe KS

785.296.7658 [email protected]

Senator Caryn Tyson | Paola, KS

785.296.6838 [email protected]

Representative Samantha Poetter Parshall | Paola KS

785.296.7748 [email protected]

Use the email tool below to send a message to our Kansas Legislators.

Remember to include a personal message or story before you send!

Dear Senator Adam Thomas, Representative Lauren Bohi, Senator Caryn Tyson, Representative Samantha Poetter Parshall,
As a Friend of Lakemary Center, a strong network of community-based services for Kansans with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) is important to me. I am very concerned by the large number of changes KDADS intends to make to the Kansas IDD service network in the near future. I believe the Kansas Legislature must intervene to stop harm from coming to Kansans with IDD from these proposed changes.

KDADS has signaled that they will make a multitude of changes to the IDD service structure in the next year to two years. They intend to make all of these changes at the same time. Changes include a complete restructuring of Targeted Case Management, Reorganization of CDDOs, a completely new funding structure for HCBS Waiver services, a new tool to determine the level of care needed by persons with IDD, and a slew of changes to Day Services that will result in less choice for Kansans with IDD in engaging in meaningful work activities.

I appreciate your previous legislative support of Kansans with IDD. Your help is once again needed to ensure that harmful changes are not made to the service network that these vulnerable Kansans depend on. Please urge your legislative colleagues to examine and intervene to protect this vital service network.

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*Please allow 1 week for a response.

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