Case Management

We know that searching for services for your son, daughter or family member and then knowing how to access those services can be very overwhelming for a parent and/or guardian. Our program could be the support you’re looking for.

How we can help

Our case managers assist clients and their families with intake, needs assessment, service planning, monitoring and evaluating services for adults with intellectual and developmental differences.


Our case management team develops individualized service plans with our clients, guardians and families, offering access to community resources, and support for medical, clinical, social, educational and vocational services that may be needed.

Lakemary’s goal is to build relationships that are supportive and reliable, forming a partnership to enhance care is our top priority. The Lakemary difference is building lives of possibility EVERY day.

LEarn more about case management

Email Travis Chapman: [email protected]

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*Please allow 1 week for a response.

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