Specialized Services

Lakemary Specialized Services

These specialized services reflect Lakemary's commitment to providing high-quality care, ensuring staff competency, and creating a supportive and a data-informed environment for learners with dual diagnoses.

Lakemary Specialized Services

These specialized services reflect Lakemary's commitment to providing high-quality care, ensuring staff competency, and creating a supportive and a data-informed environment for learners with dual diagnoses.


We provide weekly individual, family and group therapies.

Therapy specializations include: Art Therapy, Music Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Recreational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Play Therapy, DBT ( Dialectical Behavior Therapy), EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy), Autism Specialist, and ABA (applied behavior analysis) therapy

services provided
at the ranch

Animal Assisted Therapy, Horticultural Therapy, Special Education services focused on agriculture.

Patricia Wolfe, Ranch Teacher was recognized as one of eight teachers to be selected for the National Excellence in Teaching About Agriculture Award


Weekly family therapy (in person or virtual), family support group, parent forum, safe crisis management education, parent training.


New systems to increase behavioral prevention skills, staff development, and to increase the use of safe and socially acceptable behaviors in replacement of the challenging behaviors in place upon admissions.

staff training

Two-Week Enhanced New Hire Training:

Focuses on behavioral prevention skills through Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and trauma-informed care.

IGNITE Mentoring Program

Post-Training Mentorship:

New Behavioral Health Technicians (BHTs) mentored by experienced IGNITE Mentors for 90 days, with regular evaluations at 30, 60, and 90 days.

Competency-Based Fidelity Checks:

Ensures high standards and consistency of program implementation, with feedback to improve staff performance.

Data-Driven Behavioral Recommendations

Behavioral Data Analysis

Weekly and monthly analysis of campus-wide behavioral data to guide personalized treatment and interventions.

Emergency Safety Interventions & Behavioral Incidents Tracking

Quarterly and Annual Reviews:

Data tracked and compared to measure reductions in challenging behaviors while increasing the implementation of preventative and de-escalation behavioral skills to support the child in a successful treatment experience and transition back to home and school.

Multidisciplinary Preventative Support

Core Learner Specific Team Meetings (CLSTM) and Lakemary Student Intervention Team (LSIT):

Additional support services for learners based on monthly behavioral data analysis.

Fidelity Checks & Staff Wellbeing

Routine Fidelity Checks:

Every two months, followed by performance feedback to ensure program fidelity and improve staff skills.

Research & Impact Evaluation

Staff Research:

Ongoing studies to assess the impact of fidelity checks and feedback on staff wellbeing, particularly focusing on burnout, compassion fatigue, and secondary trauma to ensure the best possible services and supports are provided to our children here at Lakemary Center.

Learn more about our Psychiatric Residential Treatment Program.

PRTF Contact Form

*Please allow 1 week for a response.

Student Information